Living Without Excess
Maybe we'll live here? |
I worked for a high-end clothing company a few years back. As much as I love fashion, I know it's a complete racket and between manufacturing, shipping and packaging, it is so wasteful. The industry creates a hierarchy of labels and changes trends every season to push consumerism, and we, especially women, totally buy into it (quite literally). I bought into it for a good chunk of years and sometimes still do. Even on my thrifting adventures when I score a designer item for a fraction of the price it retailed at, I have to ask myself: Am I thrilled with the find because I love it or because of the label inside? Usually, it's a combo of both. I will always enjoy fashion and its history, but I am not a slave to the trends and I will always opt for second-hand. Then there's the cosmetic industry. This could be saved for a whole other post on it's own. It suffices to say that cosmetics, for the most part, are wasteful, are creating unrealistic aesthetic expectations (again, geared toward women), and are packed full of questionable ingredients. However, I still use some cosmetic products, but I am keeping it to a minimum and questioning the often extensive lists of ingredients. My go-to site for this is EWG's Skin Deep Cosmetics Database.
Something else we humans keep expecting evolution to bring us are ways to make our lives easier and ways to save time. In our ever-increasingly fast-paced world we are always looking for ways to improve our quality of life, whether it be through technological gadgets, disposable items, processed food, or sometimes just by simply taking the easy road. Often, the easiest options aren't the greenest. So I am questioning all these little "conveniences" and how inconvenient they are in the long run. How often could I walk somewhere instead of driving? How many of our disposable products could we stop using and replace with reusable alternatives? How much is getting chucked in the trash that could be recycled or re-purposed instead? By asking myself questions like these I'll be able to make choices that will save money, energy and landfill space.
Baby-steps (photo courtesy of Sustainable Baby Steps)
I know executing a lot of this will be easier said than done, at least if I try doing it all at once. My plan is to continue to question the main-stream standards of living in search of greener solutions. Every time I see a change that can be made in my home, and even within my community, I'll write it down. Each week I'll pick something from my list and determine how we can change or improve our current methods. Some steps will be easy, some will take a lot of tweaking, but each will help us work toward a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle and future. A site that has been a huge source of inspiration is Sustainable Baby Steps. They outline the whole "going green" process in steps and explain why these steps are necessary when considering our health and the environment, helping me (and anyone that's interested) to maintain a clear and purposeful path.
Thanks for the DMAchoice link...I'm a recycling fanatic and it drives me nuts the amount of ads and junk mail I dump everyday..Good opportunity for something to do with my five year old..have her count out the junk and see over time if it decreases..Love your idea for this blog own journey started when I befriended some ladies who used cloth diapers..I converted and loved them..from there I got rid of paper towels..napkins..then I started ridding manufactured household cleaners and opted for vinegar, baking soda, etc. Once you open pandora's hazardous chemical box it's pretty scary when you realize how much you're ingesting via plastics, packaging, clothing, food, etc. Living a simpler, cleaner life has so many perks..but also challenges...I've fallen off the bandwagon here and there..I went back to disposable diapers for a period after we food is vile but I still stop and give the girls those evil mcnuggets if we're running behind..and I prefer to make my own laundry detergent (wayyyy cheaper too!) but out of sheer laziness I have a giant bottle of ALL sitting next to my washer..But like you said..Babysteps..And one last point..I've had well-intentioned friends/family make comments and look at me like I'm insane at own husband thinks I'm nuts for hanging laundry outside to dry...But it's worth making the's healthier..teaches your kids responsibility for themselves and each other..and such a huge money saver..good luck on your journey and looking forward to snagging some tips from you along the way!